June 23, 2008

Little Black Dress Club Lends an "Extra Hand" for ALS

This past Saturday Little Black Dress Club members had the privilege of doing a volunteer project for Sharon, a wonderful woman with ALS who needed a little help around the house. We washed windows inside and out, and planted some pretty, colorful flowers in the yard.

Thanks to Sharon's awesome grandson Jason for all of his help, and to Fred Meyer for providing the flowers at half-price. Thanks also to Sharon's neighbors Jim and Travis, who came over to fix Jason's basketball hoop!

L to R: SAM, Tracy, Hilarie, Sharon, Joanna and Idoia
Michelle and Idoia

Camille and Jason

Hilarie, Joanna and Tracy

June 16, 2008

Brunch with the LBDC!

Sunday Brunch with the Little Black Dress Club!

When: Sunday, June 29, 2008 from 8am – 12pm
* be eligible for door prizes by arriving before 10am *

Where: White House Black Market, BODO

Wear: Come casual in order to try on some fabulous dresses!

We will have a large assortment of dresses ordered just for our viewing!

For purchases of $125, we’ll receive $25 off and for purchases of $200 or more, we’ll receive $50 off. Most importantly though, 10% of all proceeds will go directly into our LBDC fund! For the complete shopping experience, a stylist will also be on hand for assistance.

This event is open to all members and interested women who may have missed our first kick off event. Please feel free to bring a friend or two that may be interested in learning more about the LBDC.

Please RSVP to littleblackdressclubboise@gmail.com quickly as the event is limited to the first 50 women!

June 6, 2008

Upcoming Little Black Dress Club Volunteer Opportunity

We have another excellent volunteer opportunity coming up, and this one doesn't involve being anywhere at 5:30 a.m.! Details are below:

Project: Washing windows and doing various yard projects for a single woman with ALS who lives in Meridian. This project comes to us from Extra Hands for ALS http://www.extrahandsforals.org/chapters/archives/cat_boise.html

Date: Saturday, June 21st NEW TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Transportation: Meet at 9:30 a.m. at Albertsons on 17th and State (in the back of the parking lot by the recycling) and carpool to the site.

We would love to have you join us for this project. Please email littleblackdressclubboise@gmail.com if you can help!

Thank You, "Iron Women" of Little Black Dress Club!

A big thank you to the ladies of Little Black Dress Club who got up (super) early last weekend to volunteer at the first-annual Ironman 70.3! Your dedication definitely makes you "Iron Women" in our book!