December 22, 2008

Little Black Dress Club Grant Application

Little Black Dress Club
2009 Annual Application Form

Application Deadline is February 1, 2009

Organization Information

Organization Name





Primary Contact





Organization Purpose/Mission

Federal Taxpayer ID #

Amount Requested

Total Operating Budget

Percent of operating expenses of total budget

Percent of budget from United Way

Date organization founded

Organization Information cont.

Complete the sentence: “If awarded, the funds will be used to

Little Black Dress Club provides grants to help underwrite general operating expenses and fund program expenses. Please describe the programs your organization provides to serve low and moderate-income families in Ada and/or Canyon Counties. Please limit your response to no more than 2 pages (12 pt. font).

Describe how your organization collaborates with other community organizations List any collaborating organizations.

Address how your organization meets identified community needs and priorities.

Please describe how funding from the Little Black Dress Club will help your organization serve Ada and/or Canyon Counties.

Describe the number and population(s) your organization serves.

List of major funding sources

Please provide a one paragraph summary of your organization and how it meets individuals, families and community needs.

Please provide a list of your organization’s board members

Email the following:
Completed application form
501(c)3 letter from the IRS or nonprofit designation as a governmental or tribal entity
Most recent financial statement*
Current organizational operating budget
Most recent 990 statement*

*For start-up organizations (up to 18 months old), recent financial statements and 990 statements are not required.

Applications must be received by February 1, 2009. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Email completed applications to

You may expand the table as needed to complete your information.

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